Monday, February 11, 2008

Top Ten ways you know you have been sucked into the P90X Vortex

10. Your recycling bin has had all the beer bottles replaced with water bottles

9. When you say "Do your best and" your kids finish your sentence with "forget the rest"

8. The highlight of your day is an 8 oz glass of 1% chocolate milk or recovery drink with a creatine shake chaser

7. You know that if your steering wheel moved around you must be in a clown car or something

6. You give yourself a four out of five on your self diet rating because you had regular taco cheese on your salad instead of light taco cheese.

5. You don't suffocate when you go to plough from shoulder stand

4. You start coaching others on the message boards as if you were Tony Horton himself

3. You have half a case of coke in your pantry that has been there collecting dust since you started and the only reason you haven't thrown it away is in case you have guests.

2. You know that if someone is REALLY flexible, then they make Gumby look like the Tin Man.

1. You've memorized the names of all the "kids"


Scott (NHBuckeye) said...

I love your top 10 Sully! Whenever my kids ask me why I don't eat this or that anymore, I always say, "That's not on the P90X nutrition plan" They now say it for me!

You are really doing awesome to have lost 10 pounds in 30 days!

Tom said...

LOL. That is so true. I guess I've been sucked in too. It's kinda scary because it's almost cult like. Hmmmm. When we find ourselves donating money to erect a bronze statue of Tony H. Well, I guess that will be the ultimate of being sucked into the P90X vortex.

Sully the Diehard Pats Fan said...

I think that the term for the cultlike devotion is 'you drank the kool-aid'...

Anonymous said...

Great Top 10! #2 us probably the best!