Monday, April 14, 2008

Maan vs.

Just had to share this...these are some 'reviews' from people on concerning P90X....I was flabbergasted at what some of these jokers had to say...some of them are funny, most are just sad:

Norissa: What are "Plyometrics" and "Synergistics"?? These are 2 of the videos included in P90, and they just don't sound like real exercises to me.

OjoAzul: Diet plan was too carb-loaded for me. I didn't like P90x.

Kathleen: I just want ONE GOOD workout, not 12 sh***y ones! P90x is no good.

Bill: If P90x is not for people who are fat, who is it for??????

harpo: I notice that two of the people in the P90X infomercial are also in the Slim in 6 infomercial. Beach Body is apparently a dishonest company for thinking that no one would notice Traci and Mark Briggs in both infomercials.

Kurt: Dude, I am not looking to do "Yoga" or any of these other stupid extra videos they include in P90X. I just want a good solid workout. Why do they have to throw in all of this other stuff I don't even want?? Yoga's for chicks, everybody knows that.

Bailey: Eh, P90x gives you a calendar with this? Who needs another calendar? Every year i get free calendars from my bank, my dentist, and my sister-in-law. I don't want to be paying for something like that.

Fergie: The workouts weren't too bad, I didn't think, with P90 but I didn't think the program helped me to have "discipline" when it came to eating. I still had cravings and ended up eating a lot of junk food while doing this.

Isaac: Well I just wish P90x was sold at Walmart. I do all my shopping there, everything's so cheap. I don't want to make payments or anything, I just want to buy it and take it home in one shot.

nicki: well i dont no what ur talking about with muscle confusion, how do you confuse ur muscles without confusing ur whole body? I think this sounds like one of those product's that tries to hard to be different. P90 X was not the right approach for me, I thought the food plan was weak & the workouts were not focused enough. I had no success.

And this one is priceless:

Blaire: Oh, I really believed I would get toned and lose weight with P90x, and I did the videos daily for a whole month. I was feeling pretty good, but then I just got so busy with other projects and family obligations and I never had time. I haven't done a workout in like 5 months or something. It was not a good purchase.

It is pretty amaing how far people will go to blame someone or something else for their own lack of discipline and motivation....UN-F'ING-BELIEVABLE.


Tom said...

Did you post on the site? I had to after reading all the whining. If you faill or are unsuccessful it's your own damn fault. LOL. P90X is superior any home gym you can buy that's on the market today as well as other home fitness programs.

Anonymous said...

What's funny is the comment about Traci and Mark. First off I don't think Traci is in the Slim in 6 informercial. Mark was in the infomercial way before he even did P90X. They included him in both because he got amazing results with both. These people are unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Im a high school student and my PE teacher purchased this before the school year started. He loved the workout (and saw great results) so much that we are now ALL P90X-ers. Yes thats right about 100+ high school students are using and loving P90X. Its fun and easy (to follow, not always to do) and works. So all of these grown people that complain about this is rather hillarious and sad.

Sully the Diehard Pats Fan said...

You're whole PE class does the X? You need to let Daikler and the boys at Beachbody know about that, I bet they'd do a piece on you guys at!