Friday, January 18, 2008

Maan V. P90X - The Reckoning

Hi, folks, it's me the One and Only Maan. And this is a sub-blog, if you will to document my progress as time goes on in the ass-kicking, tongue dragging, nutritionally balanced, recovery drink downing, wet hat making exercise program called P90X created by Beachbody and led by the quirky celebrity trainer, Tony Horton.

The 'X', as it is commomly known, has taken ordinary slobs like me and turned them into rock hard gods of fitness even at my advancing age, which was encouraging, so I had to give it a shot. I have Type II diabetes and Heart Disease in my family, and I have Cholesterol that has to be treated with medication, so this was something I felt I had to do to save my life and be alive when my kids, 4 and 2, graduate from college. I'll do my best to post regularly, I am currently already into Week Three, and although I haven't lost any weight, my belt has come in four nothes so far, so I am probably adding muscle in all kinds of places. I will post my Day 1 pics soon, so keep checking back!

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