Saturday, February 16, 2008

Working on my PhD in Buffness

So I was reading through a MDB message board thread two days ago and chanced upon a post where the poster was explaining how she bought a book called Nutrient Timing that explains how and when you should eat if you are in a training regimen (a category which I would have to say the X falls into) so that you can optimize your results for weight loss, building lean muscle tissue, mass buildup and breaking plateaus. What was being described was so complex that I couldn't really get this gist of it (yeah, that's right, ME!), so I felt compelled to buy the book. Once I get through it I will followup and let everyone know the verdict on it.

The other night, my mother-in-law exclaimed that she had started getting a two-pack, and then she was going to work on the fourpack next. At this point I would settle for a backpack. I have a long way to go before I am in the category of a guy having any kind of pack, but I know one thing...I'm on the road.

1 comment:

Tom said...

At least yours is a back pack. I still have my fanny pack. You are the Maan.